Monday, June 11, 2012

Note from a physician....

As a physician, I have seen patients for the past twenty years that just CAN'T kick the tobacco habit, in spite of the cancer-causing dangers and emphysema-producing chemicals in normal tobacco cigarettes.  

  When I first heard of eCigarettes, I was intrigued, but delved into my research.  I try not to come to any conclusions without science and facts on my side.
E-Cigarettes contain NO tobacco...just the one thing you want and need, and is perfectly natural:  nicotine.  Your body creates it's own nicotine, and many of our brain cells respond to the chemical.  Just that cigarette smokers REALLY crave it, and need it for the good feeling and stress relief and relaxation.

  Well, after seeing thousands of patients that just couldn't beat the habit, now there is a product that lets you not worry about ever having to stop that nicotine craving... but still let you get off the cancer-causing sticks.  E-Cigarettes are really a HUGE step for health, and use the same liquid that we use in the Emergency Departments for giving asthma patients a breathing's that safe.

  Give e-Cigs a chance, and know that you may be "vaping" in no time, with all the great feeling of your best friend, nicotine, right there with you, but leaving the bad-guy of tobacco FOREVER.

Order a kit, CLICK HERE, and get started... you might find you need just a couple puffs to get the hit you need, without having the feeling you needed to finish an entire cigarette.  You can still puff with your friends, too, as the vapors look just like smoke, and the e-cigarette looks just like a regular tobacco cigarette.  So you get all the benefits of the social smoking scene, without the cancer and lung-problems.   Win-win.

Doctor's Orders.  :)

  Doc Rings

Note:  No doubt, if you're still smoking tobacco, you aren't probably going to take my advice, which is go to your personal physician and get a check-up... but after switching to e-cigs, you will instantly begin to purge your lungs of the years of built up tars and residue that just stick in there.  Get healthier TODAY, and get the e-Cigarettes ordered NOW

Tags:  V2 e-cigs e-cigarettes doctor physician recommended health

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